Garden Maintenance

Garden Maintenance

Sacred Earth Farms

Regular price $45.00 $35.00 Sale

FOR NEW GARDEN: An experienced urban farmer visits your garden once a week for routine inspection and maintenance at rate of $35 per week. Garden tasks and activities include observation, record keeping, and corrective action to optimize your plants' soil, sun, water experience. Tasks vary throughout the growing season and may include one or more of the following:

  • Assess transplant adaptation and seed sprouting status, thin as needed.
  • Check drip irrigation system, if applicable.
  • Manage soil moisture, mulch, signs of pests and beneficial insects.
  • Install plant supports: trellis, ties, mounding up, etc.
  • Apply organic fertilizer, or compost, periodically.
  • Practice integrative pest management strategies and apply natural pest control sprays as needed.
  • Weeding by hand (we never use chemical herbicides)
  • Clip, prune, and shape perennial herb shrubs as needed.
  • Harvest veggies and deliver to home owner

FOR ESTABLISHED GARDEN: After Initial Consultation, we discuss and agree on corrective actions, if any, to bring the garden up to a basic functional state before starting with weekly maintenance listed above.

Weekly Fee: $35 for 16 square feet

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