Season Switch Maintenance

Season Switch Maintenance

Sacred Earth Farms

Regular price $100.00 $75.00 Sale

A skilled and knowledgeable Organic Farmer performs post-harvest clearing and clean-up of your garden plot(s) to prepare the ground for the next season's crops.  

Fee listed is for one hour.

Season Switch post-harvest activities may include:

  • Removal of spent plants,
  • Weeding by hand (we never use chemical herbicides)
  • Clipping/pruning perennial plants
  • Seeding a seasonal cover crop
  • Applying mulch
  • Irrigation system adjustments
  • Removal of crop markers, plant supports and trellis structures
  • Other related tasks as agreed in advance. 

Season Switch new crop cycle launch tasks may include

  • Plant design for new season
  • Applying soil amendments for the next growing cycle
  • Purchase new plants, seeds, and amendments
  • Seed sowing directly in the ground, or transplanting new crops. 

We will contact you to discuss specific tasks prior to assigning a farmer.